is a personal web space for a veteran in the investor relations industry Brett Maas. I wanted to be able to have my own personal page to keep connected with clients and investors searching for undervalued companies that are hidden gems yet to be discovered in the market place. I have enjoyed over 15 years of connecting investors with management teams of micro, small, and mid cap companies that meet investment parameters and certaing investment criteria for both parties.
I hope to add a personal touch to also discuss other ways I have and will continue to add value to companies I’m connected. I also have a passion for real estate investing and have things I hope to share that can help other people have success in buying low and selling high whether it comes to real estate or investing.
Please be advised this is my personal blog, personal opinion, and you should still consult with an investment advisor, attorney, accountant, and or real estate agent and not only take my success or movement into a stock or real estate as something you should do as well.
Follow Me on Twitter, connect on Linkedin, and become a friend on Facebook.